Good Advice

Raydeen Good-May suggested I move this to Facebook, and I think that was an excellent idea.  It’s a better format for what I’m trying to accomplish here, and people are more familiar with how to navigate FB.  So instead of checking in here, follow us at Desert Center Bulletin on Facebook.  If I get motivated and start nosing around the community I will post anything interesting I find in the form of a blog.  But other wise I hope to see you on Facebook.

Just an Idea…

Good Morning good people of Desert Center. I haven’t been active on this blog for several years, but I have a little more time now and I am living in Desert Center once again, and I see this need and I am trying to create a way to fill it. With the closing of Mc Goo’s, I find myself feeling a bit cut off. I didn’t go in very often, but I liked knowing it was there if I needed something in a pinch. Maybe that’s how we all felt and maybe it had something to do with its demise.
But we are a very close-knit community and I know we can band together and come up with a way of being able to help each other out. So I thought I would try to revive this blog and use it as a way for people to connect over things they have should someone need it, and things they need should someone have it. I’m not just talking “stuff” , but services, like “Hey, I’m going to town today and I’ll be here and there, does anyone need me to pick up something?” Or, “I’m a carpenter, a plumber, painter or barber, do you need my services?” And of course things for sale and things one might need. Or perhaps you are having a yard sale or a community event and would like to get the word out, this could be the place to post those types of things as well.
I realize not everyone is comfortable with computers and this will be a new medium to have to learn, but once you get use to checking the site, it will become second nature, sort of like Facebook.
     So let me start us off by advertising an ongoing yard sale, or should I say patio sale at my house!

26660 Greenvale Way

I have books, lots and lots of books.  Some classics, some non-fiction and some fiction. I have an antique patio table, file cabinet, Christmas ornaments, bedding, clothes, both men and women, army cot, a few pots and pans,  tool box, truck bed tool box, ice chest, shot glass collection, coffee table, side table and couch table all matching, quilt, table cloth, napkins and placemats, flower pattern, antique buffet, antique Mission Style Rocking Chair, and other miscellaneous stuff.  I am doing some major cleaning and organizing so I am finding and adding things constantly.  Haven’t even gotten to the attic! So please stop by periodically and check things out.

For all of those of you who may be still following this blog I would just like to draw your attention to the upcoming Harvest Festival and Eagle Mountain Reunion. Mark you calendars for October 27th and I hope to see you there!

Click on this link to be directed to the schedule of events and more information about the reunion  reunion blog for CCV

July newsletter

July 2012 Newsletter

Time got away from me this month!! I have an excuse though, but you will read about that in the newsletter.  Thank all of you for your appreciation and participation.  It has been a worthwhile experience.

Just click on the orange July 2012 Newsletter link above to catch up on the latest Chuckwalla Valley Happenings.


June Newsletter

May Newsletter

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Read the May Newsletter Here    May Newsletter

April Newsletter

Spring is upon us and there is no better time to be living in Desert Center.  Although we have had some wind, we have also had some amazing days out here.  I guess these three days of good weather and no flies are why we live here LOL!   I hope you enjoy this months newsletter, always something going on here it seems.  Winter visitors are heading North.  We have, as always, enjoyed their company and all that they bring to the community. They will be missed.  Have safe travels and we will see you next season!  Read the newsletter here.  April Newsletter 2

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March Newsletter

Solar Done Right

Anyone interested in learning more about some of the more negative impacts these solar projects might have on the community the link below is pretty level-headed and comprehensive. I urge you to check it out.  You can click on the link in the blogroll category to the left or google the address below.

February Newsletter

The February Newsletter is finally done!! Just click on the link and you will be directed to the newsletter. I hope you find it interesting and please feel free to Blog!!

Feb 2012 Newsletter

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